
#AvatarUsernameRankTotal / Current
1Albert Shephard34,834,001 pt / 34,827,990 pt
2Mason Richards19,597,242 pt / 19,588,241 pt
3Lara Parker17,313,392 pt / 17,312,388 pt
4Jhon Smith9,768,767 pt / 9,768,766 pt
5Julia Robbins6,765,824 pt / 6,777,822 pt
6Anna J. Taylor4,911,558 pt / 4,911,558 pt
7James M. Clark1,526 pt / 1,526 pt
8Tony S. Olson391 pt / 391 pt
9Ellen G. Phillips4 pt / 4 pt
10Olivia Lewis3 pt / 3 pt
11Carlos Daniel3 pt / 3 pt
12Yasmine Long2 pt / 2 pt
13Reyna Miller2 pt / 2 pt
14Max Dawson2 pt / 2 pt
15Cengiz Gür1 pt / 1 pt
16ugur disli1 pt / 1 pt
17Beth Dawson1 pt / 1 pt
18Rosa Mills1 pt / 1 pt
19Katerina Maze1 pt / 1 pt
20James Hardy1 pt / 1 pt
21Jane Mills1 pt / 1 pt
22Helen Pearl1 pt / 1 pt
23Emiliano1 pt / 1 pt
24gegham0 pt / 0 pt
25Ray Brooks0 pt / 0 pt
#AvatarUsernameRankTotal / Current
1Lara Parker2 pt / 17,312,388 pt
2Albert Shephard2 pt / 34,827,990 pt
3Jhon Smith1 pt / 9,768,766 pt
4Julia Robbins1 pt / 6,777,822 pt
5Mason Richards1 pt / 19,588,241 pt
#AvatarUsernameRankTotal / Current
1Albert Shephard10,036 pt / 34,827,990 pt
2Lara Parker10,034 pt / 17,312,388 pt
3Mason Richards10,018 pt / 19,588,241 pt
4Julia Robbins15 pt / 6,777,822 pt
5Jhon Smith14 pt / 9,768,766 pt
6Anna J. Taylor5 pt / 4,911,558 pt
7James M. Clark1 pt / 1,526 pt
#AvatarUsernameRankTotal / Current
1Lara Parker115,364 pt / 17,312,388 pt
2Albert Shephard115,352 pt / 34,827,990 pt
3Mason Richards115,216 pt / 19,588,241 pt
4Jhon Smith105 pt / 9,768,766 pt
5Julia Robbins94 pt / 6,777,822 pt
6Anna J. Taylor42 pt / 4,911,558 pt
7James M. Clark10 pt / 1,526 pt
8Max Dawson2 pt / 2 pt
9%user_profile_link%1 pt / 15 pt
10Olivia Lewis1 pt / 3 pt
11Carlos Daniel1 pt / 3 pt
12Helen Pearl1 pt / 1 pt
13Emiliano1 pt / 1 pt
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